About the 'Beleef de Lente' Project
The live webcams are provided thanks to the generous support of the Vogelbescherming Netherlands project 'Beleef de Lente' (you can spot the organization’s emblem in the broadcasts). Throughout the spring, the project receives backing from donations and volunteer efforts.
Camera temporarily suspended until 2025. We look forward to welcoming you back to next year's breeding season!
The redstart is a summer visitor to the UK and Ireland, arriving in April and leaving around September. It feeds on insects and can be seen foraging in woodlands, hedgerows and parks and is similar characteristics as a robin.
Once they arrive they will begin their breeding season, laying a clutch of approximately 5-6 light blue coloured eggs. The incubation will last between 11-14 days, and the female will incubate the eggs herself. After the young hatch they will then be fed by both parents. The chicks will fledge around 14 and 17 days.
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