Peanuts For Birds

Peanuts are one of the best food sources you can provide for garden birds. Packed with natural fats and proteins, they offer the energy birds need to survive during cold winters. Read more here.

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  1. Premium Whole Peanuts
  2. Kibbled Peanuts
  3. Blanched Peanuts for Birds
  4. Premium Peanuts & Feeder Starter Bundle
    €19.11 €22.48

Why choose peanuts for birds?

By including peanuts in your feeding routine, you can attract a wide variety of species, from common garden visitors like blue tits and robins to more elusive birds such as nuthatches and woodpeckers.


Which types of peanuts are safe?

Not all peanuts are suitable for birds, so it’s important to choose carefully. Unsalted peanuts are essential, as salt is harmful to their health. Similarly, unroasted peanuts retain the necessary nutrients that birds need, while roasted peanuts can lose these benefits and may even contain harmful additives. CJ Wildlife peanuts are thoroughly tested to be free from aflatoxin, a dangerous toxin produced by molds, ensuring they are completely safe for your feathered visitors.


How to offer peanuts to birds?

The way you present peanuts in your garden can greatly impact their effectiveness and safety. Peanut feeders are an excellent option, designed to hold whole peanuts securely and prevent birds from accidentally choking. For smaller birds, peanut blocks or cakes are ideal, as they’re easy to peck at and require minimal effort to access. You can also scatter peanuts on bird tables to attract larger species like jays or woodpeckers. Make sure to clean feeding stations regularly to maintain hygiene and reduce the risk of disease.


Which birds enjoy peanuts?

Peanuts are a favorite among many garden birds. Common visitors include blue tits, great tits, and coal tits, which enjoy hanging from feeders as they eat. Woodpeckers, especially great spotted woodpeckers, are also known to relish peanuts, along with nuthatches and jays. Finches may prefer peanuts broken into smaller pieces, making it easier for them to handle. Whether you’re feeding large or small species, peanuts can bring incredible diversity to your garden.


Tips for using peanuts in your garden

To maximize the benefits of offering peanuts, follow these practical tips:

  • Replace peanuts regularly to prevent mold and spoilage, especially during wet weather.
  • Position feeders in safe areas, away from predators like cats, and ensure they are easy for birds to access.

By following these steps, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable feeding experience for your garden birds.


Why choose CJ Wildlife peanuts?

CJ Wildlife peanuts are a top choice for any bird enthusiast. Our peanuts are carefully sourced and rigorously tested to ensure they meet the highest safety standards. Free from aflatoxin, they provide a healthy and energy-rich food source for birds. Additionally, our peanuts are packaged with sustainability in mind, minimizing environmental impact. Developed in collaboration with leading nature conservation organizations, our products are trusted by experts and designed to enhance biodiversity in your garden.

Transform your garden into a haven for birds with our premium peanuts and feeders. Shop now and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature up close!