(Corvus monedula)


The European population, of this bird, has been evaluated as secure.

About the Jackdaw

The smallest of the black crows, this grey and black bird has a distinctive grey neck and pale grey-blue eyes. Its black plumage has a slight blue/purple sheen. Males and females are similar but juveniles are duller and their eyes are less distinctive.


Scientific name Corvus monedula
Family Corvidae
Habitat Grassy woodland, parks and gardens.
Food Cereals, fruit, insects, carrion and scraps.
Height 33-34cm
Weight 180-260g
Lifespan 1 - 20 years
Breeding time April-May
Nest Built from large numbers of sticks and lined with hair, bark, rags and earth.
Sound The famous 'tchak' call that gave it its name.
Characteristics The Jackdaw is quite sociable and will mix with other species. It is also attracted to populated areas. It is an acrobatic flier and flocks will often rise and fall together in flight.
Children 4 - 6 spotted pale blue eggs.
